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The reason we could never get ahead was because -- like a lot of our friends at the time -- we watched our money like a HAWK.

I mean, right down to the penny. You could call us "frugal" but it would be closer to the truth to say we were "miserly".

We price-checked everything we picked up at the grocery store whether it was a can of beans or a roll of paper-towels.

We know which gas station had gas that was 1¢ or 2¢ cheaper than all the other gas stations. And we regularly said 'no' to doing and having things that we really wanted (and needed) because it might cost an extra $7.50.

Like I said, all our friends lived the same way so it didn't feel out of the ordinary at all.

It seemed completely normal.

It turns out that "normal" is a pretty wretched way to live.

Anyway, I ran across an old book written in the late 19th century where the author talked about this in great detail.

She talked about how our brains are really good at “bookmarking” and storing all those decisions, conditions, emotions, and circumstances that I’d been experiencing.

just like bookmarking a website in your browser.

You know how you can start your browser and it’ll load the same pages as you had open before?

It turns out that our brains work in a similar way. and I was “loading” the same struggle every single day!

Of course I didn’t know that. I didn’t know it was happening at all.

All I knew was that it didn’t matter how hard I worked. how much I saved. how much I earned.

I never could get my bank account above $325-$350.

If I made more money -- SNAP -- just like that it would get gobbled up by something.

Well, here was the good news.

It turns out that the you can “bookmark” some very different ideas and start “loading” a very different kind of life!

I didn’t know what “scarcity” mentality was at that time. but it turns out that I was an expert at it!

By the way, some of this might sound familiar to you if you’ve been studying personal development.

I'm not talking about "law of attraction" or "creating your own reality" or anything like that.

I've spent years studying those concepts and even taught them for a long time.

They're really popular ideas. B ut they’ve also created a lot of frustration for a lot of people. Why? Because it's over-simplified fluff and nonsense.

Stop and think about it.

  • Does it really make sense to you that the whole universe re-arranges itself based on your goal list?
  • If "thinking positively about money" is all it takes to make money fall into you life. why isn't that paying the bills?
  • Why would gurus call something a "law" if it doesn't work 100% of the time with predictable reliability? Can you imagine if gravity only "worked" as often as the "law of attraction"? You'd wake up most mornings on the ceiling instead of your bed!

Don’t get me wrong. I think positive thinking is great. But, I’m also a practical person. I f you and I are honest.

I think anyone who’s tried those methods will admit that they’ve been frustrated when we do everything right and it doesn’t seem to work.

But, this wasn’t like that.

What I'd discovered was a very practical series of steps that I could take to start "making friends with money".

So, the next day, I said, “Okay, I’ll give it a go. I’ve tried everything else and it won’t cost a dime to give this a try.”

Let’s just say that, within a year of making this change in my life, I turned my ANNUAL income into a MONTHLY income!

And, although I didn’t know it at the time, I was on my way to earning my first million dollars after 20+ years of struggling to pay the bills.

Now, let me be clear. I’m not talking about anything mystical or mysterious.

I’m saying that I learned something about money and prosperity that no one had ever taught me.

and because of that, I saw my path to prosperity for the first time.

It was like one of those optical illusions where some people can see something you can’t see. but once you see it, you can’t UNSEE it!

And -- suddenly -- after over 20 years of struggling with money, I finally discovered what it was like to walk into a mall and realize that I could afford to buy anything I wanted.

But here’s the best part: I was happier.

I felt more fulfilled. I didn’t feel like I was rushing around all the time. I wasn’t exhausted when I woke up.

And, all this came as a result of this “bookmarking” concept.

Now, here’s why I’m telling you this today: today, you may be in a similar situation I was in.

Oh, I'm sure the details aren't exact. You might or might not have people depending on you. You might be in a better or worse situation than I was in when I had my financial breakthrough.

But no matter what your experience, I want to help you create the kind of dramatic, sustainable change that I had. It was a real turning point in my life. And I believe you can experience the kind of transformation, too.

What Does Your "A.I.D." Look Like?

Have you ever thought what you'd like your "average ideal day" to look like?

I don't mean a special day where you're on vacation or at DisneyWorld™.

I'm just talking about what your life would look like on an average day when you're living a life of abundance, prosperity and freedom.

Do you find that hard to visualize? Here: let me help with some questions. You can picture this while you're reading.

  • Where are you when you wake up? Are you in a luxury apartment in the city? A beach house? A large home outside of town? A log cabin in the woods? What's your ideal place?
  • How do you spend your time now that making money isn't your central focus and preoccupation? Do you take classes about things that you've always been interested in? Maybe you want to travel the world and wake up in a new country every few weeks. Maybe you start that book you've always wanted to write.
  • How do you feel knowing that you can be of help to others? You probably know what it's like to wish you could do more. How do you feel knowing that can support the people and the organizations and causes that you care about? Maybe you're like my friend Randy: his goal is to make "charity" his #1 annual expense!

Continue thinking about this and filling in the details. Imagine what your life looks like when you're living a life without limits.

It's important to get a picture of what you want your life to look like.

But, please understand something: regardless of what all the "gurus" say, visualizing your goals doesn't make anything magical happen. You're not going to suddenly start living a life of wealth just because you think about it.

So, why did I ask you to think about your 'average ideal day'?

Because, I want to point out something that you may not have noticed.

The Fact That Other People Are Living The Life You Imagined Is EVIDENCE That You Can, Too!

Why? Because living a life of freedom, abundance and prosperity is not about how educated you are. or how much money your parents have. or what ZIP code you live in.

It's not about the Republicans, the Democrats, the economy or anything "mystical".

Creating the life you want is simply a matter of discovering how to do things in a certain way.

And I believe that -- whatever your Average Ideal Day looks like -- it's just around the corner.

But, there's one "catch".

You have to start changing how you actually MOVE, ACT and BEHAVE around money.

Otherwise, no matter how hard you work and how much you scrimp and save, you'll wind up "stuck" and wondering why you can never get ahead.

And that's what had happened to my wife and I.

But The Moment Jessica and I Reset Our "Financial Thermostat", Everything Changed For Us!

Just like you have a thermostat that controls the temperature in your house, your "financial thermostat" controls how much money you have in your life.

Ours had gotten stuck. Maybe yours has, too.

You cannot solve that with pinching pennies or trying to "out-earn" the problem. You MUST change your relationship with money.

And you have to make it permanent so that your struggles are a thing of the past.

And when you do that. when you remove the “blocks” that are keeping you from experiencing abundance.

money and abundance can flow in your life as easily as water flowing when you turn on a faucet.

Again, this is not about “affirmations” or “believe it and achieve it”.I’m not talking about “thinking positive”. This is not something I learned from Napoleon Hill or Wallace Wattles.

I’m talking about practical, real-world “moves” you can make starting today that actually will change how much prosperity you have in your life.

There's nothing mystical about it. It's as practical as putting a brighter light bulb in a room to produce more light!

And, today, I’m happy to announce that you now have an opportunity to discover this for yourself!

Because, this week, I’m starting a brand-new, home-study course and mastermind group that will show you how to make these same changes in your life quickly.

Introducing The Making Friends With Money™ Course and Mastermind!

In this series of live, weekly mastermind sessions, I'm going to show you practical steps you can take to "flip the switch" on prosperity and how you think about money.

so that you can start seeing significant, measurable changes in how you look at, think about and experience money in your life.

Here's how you can I will do this.

Here's How It Works.

It's very simple and easy. You'll have a special, private website that you'll come to at a particular day and time. and I'll teach you the practical steps that I took to go from poverty to wealth at lightning-speed.

  • I'm going to walk you through a "discovery process". This will help you determine your current "bookmarks" about money, debt, opportunity, prosperity, wealth, poverty, virtues, legacy and much more.
  • You'll discover how those bookmarks are causing you to push prosperity away from you with one hand. while trying to pull it toward you with the other other.
  • I'll take you to the "Rogue's Gallery" to meet the culprits. You'll walk by a long, "line-up" of ideas, beliefs, and nearly-invisible "criminals" that rob people of the prosperity that's their birthright. You've seen some of these culprits before and didn't realize they were working against you.
  • ..and then I'll show you how to evict them from your life and how to install new "virus protection" that lets you keep those blocks out of your life for good. This is the moment where you'll be free to start experiencing more abundance, freedom and prosperity in your life!

Each course module is taught by me personally as I walk you through over 15 hours of coaching on how to have the breakthrough you’ve been looking for.

And, let me assure you. this is not theory or “fluff’.

This is what I call “the real work”. It’s the real, actual steps that I used to turn my life around practically overnight.

What I’m going to teach you is the result of over 20 years of searching, learning, success, failure and getting clarity on how wealthy people become wealthy.

Whether Your Target Is $10,000 or Millions, I've Already Made That Journey and Can Show You How To Do It, Too!

So, there are a couple of things you need to know.

The Making Friends With Money™ Course is currently in a limited promotional window. Eventually the course will be a physical home study course with DVDs, CDs, workbooks and an accompanying event.

At that point, it will cost quite a lot more than what you can get it for today.

During this limited time, you're going to be able to get the EXACT same training for a fraction of the cost.

But, if you don't join now, you won't get another chance until it's re-opened later at the higher price.

Speaking of price, let's talk about that.

This Course Ought To Cost $10,000. But We're Practically Giving It Away.

Let me teach you something you might not know: the price you pay for anything is always based on how much VALUE you place on that thing.

A glass of water in the desert is more valuable than a glass of water air-conditioned house. But it's the same water.

So, what's it worth to learn how to finally "make friends with money"?

For me, this information has been worth multiple millions of dollars. A life of freedom. The ability to pay doctor's bills without worrying about the cost. The ability to give my kids an amazing childhood that includes trips to places like Rome, London, Sydney and more.

There's no price you can put on that. It's priceless.

Some of the information you're about to learn has only been taught in small-group masterminds and private-client coaching that people have paid between $3,500 and $30,000 to get!

But we're not charging anywhere near that. We're practically giving it away.

"So, You Must Charge A Small Fortune For This Special Program. "

I'm going to do something that you've never seen anyone do. I'm going to tell you how price is determined on products.

First of all, let me clarify something. I don't make my living from this. It's a pet project for me. I don't "need" you to buy it. In fact, I'm probably the only person who emailed you today who doesn't "need" something from you.

But what I WOULD like, however. is your success story.

My aim is to get this into as many qualified hands as possible and generate results - real, positive, permanent changes - quickly as possible. That way I'll have a generous selection of success stories from which to choose to include in my new book (which I'll tell you more about later).

So the question became, "What price should we charge?"

So, when my business manager and I were trying to figure out how to set the price for the Making Friends With Money™ Course, we basically had TWO options:

  • We could set the price for what it's WORTH. That would mean a price-tag of thousands of dollars and a much smaller group of people

  • We could set the price as low as possible. That would mean cutting costs as close to the bone as possible while still making the project "scalable" for when we release it to the public later.

"So, Here's What We Decided. "

Eventually, we'll release the Making Friends With Money ™ Course to the general public as a physical product.

At THAT point, the price tag will almost certainly be in the $1,500-$2,000 range.

But, because you found this Course during the promotional offer, you can get the entire Making Friends With Money™ Course and mastermind TODAY for a single, one-time payment of just $197 .

And Here's What You'll Experience.

  • You’ll discover the hidden factors that determine how much you’re earning. and how to start being “on purpose” in your financial life.
  • You’ll discover the real difference between how wealthy people and average people think and feel about money
  • You'll get actual, real-world practical steps to take that change your relationship with money at lightning-speed
  • You get to work hand-in-hand with someone whose made the journey you want to make
  • You'll discover how to "bookmark" the experiences you want and the things you want to have so that you can achieve them with predictability
  • You'll finally get clear insight on why the "usual" success concepts get a tremendous amount of lip-service despite the fact that the methods are incomplete. (It will a great relief for you to discover that there's nothing wrong with you. That stuff just doesn't work as well as everyone claims!)
  • You'll discover the invisible "culprits" that rob you from your true potential and how to keep them out of your life for good
  • The hidden-in-plain-sight philosophy of an ancient Roman emperor that will prove to you why "positive thinking" isn't the core of success.
  • You'll see the world differently after adjusting your "financial perception". When you get your first glimpse of how much wealth is available to you, you literally may have trouble sleeping that night!

This Is Not "Theory" or "Fluff".
This Is The "Real Work".

If you're like me, you've bought a lot of stuff over the years that either didn't make sense, didn't work or was just fluff.

This is not that.

Making Friends With Money™ is the result of over 20 years of study, experience, success, failure and studying what creates financial success in life.

What you want to do, I have done. And I want to teach you how to do it, too.

Click the button to lock in your spot NOW before we fill out the spots

You know what that's like. Always flitting from one thing to the next.

You read this, you take a look at that.
You listen to what your friend's so excited about.
You go join another "business opportunity".
You sign up for one webinar after another.

You buy books that looked good while standing in the store but somehow never get read. And your Amazon Kindle is full of "how to be successful" books that you barely remember buying.

After going through the Making Friends With Money™ Course, you'll know what to look for and where to invest your time and attention. You won't be distracted like you are now because you'll see through all the "noise" that keeps people stuck.

You'll be more more relaxed. You won't have that wild-eyed look that reveals that your mind is racing 90mph, one thought chasing another.

You'll be more confident because you'll know where you're going. (Tourists are always asking others how to get somewhere).

People will perceive YOU as a leader and they'll seek YOU out, much like tourists are attracted to the wisdom and insight of locals.

Tourists are "lookey-loos", with a thousand useless questions. But you'll have a confidence in what you're doing that lets you walk right through the crowd as if they're not there.

And once you've learned it, I promise you won't take $10,000 for what you've gained! I guarantee it!

In fact, I want to make this such a "no-brainer" for you, let me remove any and all risk that you might have in your mind.

Here's Your 100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee

It's simple: go through the course. Use your workbook. Do the exercises. Ask me as many questions as you want. Engage with the other members of the Course in the private mastermind group. Do that for up to 30 days. and if you don't think Making Friends With Money™ is worth every penny, we'll give you back every penny!

You literally have nothing to lose but your financial struggles.

You Have No Valid Reason Not To Try This. Would It Be Nice To Live Without These Problems?

"It all sounds good. but I just don't know if I can do this. "

This attitude is why most people never reach their dreams. The way to leave a rut is to leave it. Take the first step by ordering Making Friends With Money™ and I'll show you the next step after that.

"I don't know. $197 seems like a lot of money. "

If the Course cost $10,000 it wouldn't be too much money! How much have you spent on seminars, conferences, travel, books and courses that didn't change your life at all? How many years have you been trying to "figure out the money thing"?

In fact, I'll make a prediction based on experience: once we open this offer to the general public as a fully-formed, in-the-box product, those customers will be clamoring for the opportunity to have personal guidance and consultation. At that point, if I decide to do small-group workshops or the kind of interaction you'll by ordering today, the laws of supply and demand will require that the price be over $2,000 (and possibly much more.) My last workshop in Phoenix, Arizona was priced at $3,500 per seat and was sold out.

You're far, far better off to get started today with Making Friends With Money for one payment of $197.

"Now just isn't a good time for me to do this. "
Do you realize how stupid and destructive that thought is? I know because that's EXACTLY the kind of thinking that kept me broke and struggling for years!

Did you know that people kept eating and dancing on the Titanic as it sank beneath the waves? Those people all said the same thing: "Now isn't the time. "

Wake up! Life is not a dress rehearsal! It's happening right NOW. What are you waiting for?

"I'm not sure I like your tone. Aren't you being a little rude?"
No, I'm not. But, I AM being straight with you. The only reason it sounds "rude" is because you're used to everyone else in your life sugar-coating things.

Look, you've got no shortage of people in your life who will sit and watch you squander your life by "playing small" and "playing it safe" and letting you continue going through life operating on about 1% of your true potential.

Check your feelings. You know I'm telling you the truth. You've never read a letter like this and you've never met anyone quite like me.

I'm not rude. But I am relentless in that, I see no need for people to go through their entire lives struggling with something as simple as money.

So, let me assure you: I'll never say something just to be hurtful. But I'd rather tell you what you NEED to hear -- and have you become wildly prosperous -- than to just be another person in your life who's not willing to confront you on what's keeping you stuck.

So. no. I'm not rude. I'm taking a stand for you.

How many other people do you have in your life right now who's willing to do that for you?

Whatever fear is keeping you from saying 'yes'. is what's running your life right now.

I ran around frantically for years trying to find the "right thing". But what I discovered is that I wasn't running toward something. I was running from the "culprits" I mentioned earlier.

The only barrier between you and the life you want is clearing away the cobwebs of doubt, fear, worry and conditioning.

P.P.S. Do you know of anyone who will take you by the hand, teach you specifics and actually demonstrate how to dissolve the barriers that are holding you back? I will.

P.P.P.S.Most people do notread this far.

The fact that you're still reading is the best evidence that this information may not have reached you today by accident.

With this extremely low price (and iron-clad guarantee), I've done all I can do to make this once-in-a-lifetime experience something that you can comfortably and safely experience.

Please don't miss this opportunity to get Making Friends With Money™ at the lowest price it will ever be made available. When we close the doors next week, it may be 6-12 months before we re-open it for the general public and at a much higher price.

Enroll today and I'll look forward to seeing you in class!

If you don't at least try this, you have to ask yourself why not. That proves what I'm telling you: something's holding you back.

Think about this..

  • Your doctor charges you $200 to come in, look at you for 2 minutes and then write you a prescription that you'll pay $80 for.
  • Your dentist charges you $200 to come in, say hello and let his nurse clean your teeth.
  • Your cable company charges you $120 per month for so many channels that you can't possibly watch them all. and which will rot your brain if you did.
  • It costs $100 or more to go out on the town and have a nice dinner and then a movie and popcorn. Possibly twice that.
  • How much do you spend each month on things like Netflix™, in-app purchases on your iPhone, your mobile data plan, and your Starbucks™ low-fat, sugar-free, double-shot, mocha chocha latte with a double sleeve?

And NONE of those things allow you to have the breakthrough that you've been looking for for years.

We all afford what we choose to afford. When something is important to us, we make it happen.

So, what's important to you? The way you're living now? Or how you want it to be?

This is where we separate the winners from the "wannabes". You're either serious about becoming wealthy or you're not. It really is that simple.

I've made it as simple (and safe!) as I can for you to take the big step that you've been wanting to take. but just didn't know how.

But if you don't do this, what are you going to do?

You and I both know the answer to that. If you don't do this -- right now -- you're going to do what you've been doing.

And if that was something you would be happy with, you wouldn't still be reading this.

I'll give you the advice I would give one of my own children: stop wasting time playing small.

If You're Skimming The Page To See What The "Bottom Line" Was, Here's The Scoop:

This brand-new personal development course is called Making Friends With Money™. It includes the real-world changes I made that allowed me to go from poverty to wealth and start having more freedom, wealth and abundance in my life after years of struggle.

If you've been frustrated by not getting the results you wanted with the instructions provided by books like "Think and Grow Rich" or "The Secret", you'll find that this course is very practical, real-world and provides a perspective that you've not likely encountered in most courses.

NOTE: This is a limited-time offer that will close soon. When it re-opens, it will be sold to the general public for a substantially higher price. You can enroll today (with a 100% money-back guarantee) for just $197.

100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee

All the information provided on this page and the corresponding product are for information and educational purposes. We don't believe in "get rich quick" - only in hard work, being of value to others, building a real and professional career and serving others with excellence. Our programs are intended to help you reach your personal goals by giving you ideas, concepts and education that have proven beneficial for us and many others. However, as stipulated by law, we cannot -- and do not -- make any guarantees about your ability to earn any money with our ideas, information, or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you, agreed? We just want to help you by giving great content, direct and strategies that move you forward to your goals. Nothing on this page or any of our content or curriculum is a guarantee of any future results or earnings, nor do we offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. As with any other area of life, you alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. Of course, all this is covered in our terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and can be accessed via the link below. It's all the regular legal mumbo jumbo but we feel that transparency is important. So we hold ourselves (and you) to a higher standard. Thank you for stopping by our site. Until next time, be a good person, love others, leave things better than you found them and make a difference in someone's life today. Make it a great day. You deserve it.

© 2016 Kingston Station, LLC -- All Rights Reserved